Group Retreat Facility – building continues apace

Throughout 2021 there has been a lot of activity progressing the building of the Group Retreat Facility.

The ablution block and the accommodation block were completed so that all the rooms can now be used. And used they were during the 2021 10 day Lam Rim retreat. On top of this other building works are now underway including:

Roof trusses on the De-Tong Ling Kitchen/Dining/Office.

  • The kitchen/dining/office (KDO) block walls are completed. This has enabled the carpentry crew and additional workers to continue with the daunting task of building the roof/verandah/air vent structure so that the roof sheeting can be installed by year’s end,
  • The small toilet block adjacent the KDO,
  • The workshop, now completed and is now ready for solar panels to be installed on the purpose-built roof.

There were considerable time delays with sourcing material. Timber primary had lead times of 8-10 weeks. This slowed construction, as did a short Covid-inspired lockdown. Winter also slowed construction somewhat. Endless thanks and gratitude must go to many people who have helped over the past year. It’s been a BIG year as well as a BIG juggling act. Let’s keep it moving forward.