Support De-Tong Ling – we need you to become a member now

De-Tong Ling relies on your generosity. Even taking one step in the direction of retreat is considered a highly positive act. Even more so, becoming a member to support those already meditating in retreat, and those supporting retreat through building the facilities we all rely on. Please consider becoming a member as our membership has dropped in the past year, affected by COVID and the difficulty of travel.

It is understandable that unless someone has visited De-Tong Ling or been on retreat, feeling a strong enough connection to become a member doesn’t easily arise.  However, it is now more easy than ever to become a member!

The DTL website designers have modified the on-line form to enable the renewal of annual membership and for a reminder email to be sent each year before membership expires. So now it is so easy – head over to the membership page and get busy. Your support means the world to us and will benefit you now and in the future.

Your contributions, either financial or voluntary service, are sincerely appreciated and greatly support the ongoing operation of the Centre.  We hope that the positive reports on the last year will confirm that De-Tong Ling is progressing well and reassure you that its benefits will definitely increase over time. Thank you!